



Blender和UE5暗黑地牢RPG游戏制作【画质l K o I k O Q &还行有中文字幕】
│ ├─v g 6 L 6 B _1. Introduction Video
│ │ └─1. IntroducZ & ( ^ u N F N )tion.mp4 99.83MB
│ ├─10. Section 9p n e R C – Different UV Options
│ │ └─1. LessoJ C j H &n 17 –& K ~ * ` r L @ # Project from View Unwraps.mp4 162.01MB
│ ├─11. Section 10 – Creating our Smaller Assets
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 18 – Crea9 5 I z 0 } T : Hting the Bottom Walls.mp4 136.07MB
│ │ ├─2. LeQ b Isson 19 – Creating our Small Grate.mp4 143MB
│ │ └─3. Lesson 20 – Creating the Top Walls.mp4 123.17MB
│ ├─12. Section 11 – Doors & Proportional Editing
│ │ ├─1. LesQ 5 I x Gson 21 – Starting our Dungeon Doors.mp4 124.61MB
│ │ ├─2. Lessk 5 V K n # oon 22 – Working with Proportional Editing.mp4 132.95MB
│ │ ├─3. Lesson 23 – Adding Realism to OuD } ( E \ Z # 2 Nr Models.mp4 157.9l ; + X ( }1MB
│ │ └─4. Lesson 24 – Finishing our Dungeon door Meshes.mp4 173.95MB
│ ├─13. Section 12 – Creating Hinges & Han8 H P z , idles
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 25 – Creating Hinges & HandlE o x 8 7 & zes the Easy Way.mp4 167.54MBm $ [ # B C 3 ;
│ │ └─2. Lesson 26 – Finishingw X \ T f our Dungeeon Doors.mp4 143.61MB
│ ├─14. Section 13 – More Complex Geom2 m ( O ? i . 5etry
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 27 – Creating Ornate Pillars.mp4 166.49MB
y 6 A $ & ` % B M │ └─2. Lesson 28 – Creating the Ornate Wz 6 0 u U * ~ wall Supports.mp4 141.29MB
│ ├─15. Section 14 – Basic Sculpting in Blender
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 29 – Basic Sculpting Setup in Blender.mp4 95.1MB
│ │ └─2. Lesson 30 – ImporM s p Hting Custom Brushes to Blender.mp4 121.27MB
│ ├─16. Section 15 – Creating Sir v +mple Stairs
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 31 – Creating oQ – G I j jur First Stairs.mp4 154.64MB
│ │ └─2. Lesson 3{ V 9 \ { H m P }2 – Finishing our Str] I T 0 / 4aight Stairs.mp4 187.86MB
K a ` x t , ├─17. Section 16 – Creating Door Arches
│ │ ├─T I ~ F l H R \ {1. Lesson 33 – WoR c # crking with Boolean Modifier.mp4 156.62MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 34 – ModelT d _ ving the Modular Door Walls.mp4 13K 9 G $8.11MB
│ │ ├─3. Lesson 35 – Outlining our Door Arches.mp4 158.23MB
│ │ ├─4. Lesson 36 – Creating the Door Arches.mp4 186.77MB
I 5 K P S │ └i | q q * 3 5─5. Lesson 37 – Adding Materials to our Door Arches.mp44 o G 116.04MB
│ ├─18. Section 17 – Spiral Staircases
│ │ ├─* i ! X 01. Lesson 38 – Usiz R F e 4 h B ) Gng the Simple Deform Modifier.mp4 147.93\ + L & 6 AMB
│ │ └─2. Lesson 39 –w s l – Finishing the S| ! a \piral Stair Mesh.mp4 207.29MB
│ ├C : v c n b U x ]─19. Section 18 – Thex o . X E ` Vault Modular Piece
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 40 – Creating the Vault Wall.mp4 146.5M3 ] K Q ] ^B
│ │ └─2. Lesson 41 – PaT * 6 # B 5 \renting Objects and Keeping Transform.mp4 150.07MB
│ ├─2. Sect a |tion 1 – BleZ L b , Y f z n 0nder Basics
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 1 – The Basics of Blender.mp4 106\ . ` u R 0 6 F.44MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 2 – Importing Reference images.mp4 9B m s4.41MB
│ │ └─3. Lesson 3 – The Importance of Seams & Sharps.mp4 262.63MB
│ ├─20. Section 19 – Braziers & Hot Coals
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 42 – Creating the Brazier Mesh.mp4 118.81MB
│ │ └─2. LessoU y + & & _n 43 – Creating the Hot coaY g – ~ R O ] | als.mp4 115.37MB
│ ├─21. SectioA M | Y o 0 on 20 – Dungeon Lighting with Torches, z Q y
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 44 – Creating the Ornate TX 6 H % \ g $orch.mp4 123.34MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 45 – Creating the Torch Handle & Holder.mp4 136.67MB
│ │ └─3. Lesson 46 – Finishing our Torch ModelC 8 d L h 5 qs.mp4 166.38MB
│ ├─22.9 g 1 Q O Section 21 – Animated TorcX P 0h Flame
│ │ └─1. Led l + J v ssson 47 – Ck U Rreating our Animated Flame.mp4 115.23MB
│ ├─23. Sections 22 –` a ] E l Flame Material Node Setup
│ │ └─1. L: = Z q [ o 8 U Aesson 48 – Setti# 3 W / xng up our Flame Node Tree.mp4 85.9MB
│ ├─24. Section 23 – Bringing Realism to our Flames
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 49 – Setting up the Light Flicker Effect.mp4 95.79MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 50 – Creating the Flame embers.mp4 176.03MB
│ │ └─3. Lesson 51 – Finishing the Dungeon M\ V @odular Pack.mp4 147.07MB
│ ├─25. Section 24 – Starting the Dungeon Layout
│ │ ├─: Y c1. Lesson 52 – Building@ k ( ! ` d the Dungeon Sewar System.mp4 189.03MB
│ │ ├─2.\ B % ( Lesson 53 – Creating our First Dungeon Room.mp4 186.61MB
│ │ ├─3. Lesson 54} 7 N – Starting the LibrA ( + K B k 1 6ary Room.mp4 206.21MB
│ │ ├─4. LessonL I U l C 3 55 – Finishing the Dung~ V ] ( $ Yeon First Floor.mp4 186.19MB
│ │ └─5. Lesson 56 – Sta! 4 * frting the Dungeon Armory.mp4 174.U a , E n } 0 ^06MB
│ ├─2v & M 5 S [ ^ 1 l6. Section 25 – Using Modular Pieces in Different Ways
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 57 –\ u M o D * Creating Under Flooring.mp4 231.54MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 58 – Building the Dungeon Kitchens.mp4 179.43MB
│ │ ├─3. Lesson 59B E 9 % Q \ j Y K – Creating the Dungeon Mid le@ x I ^ c }velm * d.mp4 128.84MB
│ │ ├─4. Lesson 60 –P E B e L F n D i Creating the Dungeob V )n Prison.mp4 161.15MB
│ │ └─5. Lesson 61B Y ; + , $ l $ – Finishing the Dungeon Main Build.mp4 130.04MB
│ ├─27. Section 26 – Bringing our Dungeon to Life
│ │ └─1. Lesson 62 –0 t R 4 ? L 5 * u Placing our Torches Through ou` I p 0 8t the Dungeon.mp4 185.1MB
│ ├─28. Section 2h $ Z s D7 – Working with Cameras
│ │ └─1. Lesson 63 – Setting up our Camera.mp4 153.2MB
│ ├─29. SectionK j Z K 2U N F K t )8 – Different Render Engines
│ │ ├─1. Les_ # A | dson 64 – Rendering with Eevee Renderer.mp4 70.99MB
│ │ └─2. Lesson 65 – Rendering with Cycles X Render Engine.mp4 113.43MB
│ ├─3. Section 2 – HDRIa T S N * Lighting
│ │ └─R X ( # g N _1. Lesson 4 – Working with HDRI Lighting.mp4 102.97MB
│ ├─30. Section 29H 9 ` 4 T z ? / J – Working with Collections
│ │ └─1. Lesson 66 – Setting up Collections.mp4 101.38MB
│ ├─31. Section 30 – Exporting to Unreal Engt # w ~ 3 N 4 !ine 5
│ │ ├6 y 7 ( s L─1. Lesson 67 – Setting up Assets for Unrea/ 1 H | ? P = Zl EnH Z # ( y T @ 9ginY ~ D = | y \ |e 5.mp4 124.88MB
│ │ └─2. Lesson 68 – Final Blw @ ) sender 3 Finishing Preparation.mp4 90.26MB
│ ├─32.u o C C 3 Section 31 – Unreal Eng~ F wine 5 Basics
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 69 – Creatin9 – ~g New UE5 Project! i ` G T d j h ,.mp4 266 O a ( –.85MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 70 – Introduction to UE5 UI.mp4 89.73MB
│ │ ├─3. Lesson 71 – Introduction to UE5 Viewport Controls.mp4 110.76MB
│ │ └─4. Lesson 72 – Creating New Level and Importing\ p & 9 ; X $4 120.28MB
│ ├─33. Section 32 – Importing 3D AsseR } G wts
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 73 – Setting UB J Y ) ` F J x 0p Basic PBR Material.mp4 170.7MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 74 – Setting up Emissivek ) x 2 n l ^ k Z Material.mp4 96.61MB
│ │ └─3. Lesson 75 – Replace Q b Q & Z , \ing Material References.mp4 143.58MB
│ ├─34. Section 33 – Bringing Kitbash Props toR r u b r , e s 5 Scene
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 76 – Sorting out Kit% k Pbash Assets.mp4 188x A H & 3 6 ( ?.85MB9 \ T
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 77 – Setting up Kitbash Assets in Order.mp4 270.59MB
│ │ └─3. Lesson 78 – Cres ? Jating asset color adjustments.mp4 2W B 027.9MB
│ ├─35. Section 34 – Setting up Mesh Collisions
│ │ ├─1. Les] A Sson 79 – Creating Mesh Collisions.mp4 243.97MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 80 – Generh P { M N $ ) \aN N q \ P M ! x Jting Custom Co} . V d Z 3 & 0llisions.mp4 266.09MB
│ │ └─3. Lesson 81 – Generating Collisions for Complex Shapes.mp4 238.17MB
│ ├─36_ I ] y g K 4 N `. Section 35 – Setting up E3 N { E D gnvironment
│ │ ├─1. Lesst X a Z v V ]on 82 – Setting up Background EnvironmQ a 3 2ent.mp4 209M) y T K f ~ h (B
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 8h X C ^ N _3 – Creating a Lava Base Material.mp4 146.32MB
│ │ ├─3. Lesson 84 – Creating Motion for a Lava MaterialY W U m $ x ) g j.mp4 229.24MB
│ │ └─4. Lesson 85 – Setting up Lava as PBR material.mp4 188.06MB
│ ├─37. Sectio{ s ? !n 36 – Building Lower Dungeon Floors
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 86 – Building a Sewer System.mp4 339.37MB
│ │ └─2. Lesson 87 – Building a Staircase and our First Modular Room.mp4 241.78MB
│ ├─38. Sep ` * rction 37 – Creating our Ground Floor Sectioc 6 % ? { e * en
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 88 – Creating our first room.m4 i 3 \ ) A , Fp4 318.3P / l ,8MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 89 – Cret # 6 7 x 8 u f :ating the library room.mp4 349.08MB
│ │ └─3. Lesson 90 – Changing the main viewpoint.mp4 284t ? L.43MB
│ ├─39. Section 38 – Adding More CompB j 0lexity to our Rooms
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 91 – Starting the armoury room.D _ 6mp4 229.81MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 92 – Crej \ Y z _ b Lating two tier rooms.mp4 209.27MB
│ │ └─3. Lesson 93 – Finishing the armoury room.mp4 231.71MB
│ ├─4. Section 3 – Blender Ass+ S get Manager
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 5 – What is Transformation Orientation.mp4 95.57MB
│ │ └─2.z e # ( Lesson 6 – Working with Blenders Asset[ g R f z * H r Manager.mp4 92.88MB
│ ├─40. Section 39 – Working with Elevation to Design our Level
│ │ ├─1. LD Y ]esson 94 – Setting out the pantry room.mp4 242.7MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 95 – Working with different lighting modes.mp4 227.63MB
│ │ ├─3. LJ q )esson 96 – Learning how to adapt assets.mp4 311.47MB
│ │ └─4. Lesson 97 – Laying out ou* z N U Ur prison.mp4 259.48MB
│ ├L $ } } T T 1 4 S─41. Section 40 – Setting up Hidden Rooms
│ │y \ w T & ├─1. Lesson 98 – Working with Colliders.mp4 336.32MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 99 – Creating the Treasure Room Hallway.mp4 243.74MB
│ │\ 0 = ) Y C └─3. LessT 8 t u ` M y 3on 100 – B! ] K p e A \ F (ringing our DungO { 3 ; = weon Design Together.mp4 318.51MB
│ ├─42. SF , G s W Gection 41 – Building Final Parts of our Level
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 101 – Adding in the Bottom Walls.mp4 309.11MB
│ │ └N , e Q V * /─2. Lesson 102 – Adding in thej G A U Final Doors.mp4 147.29MB
│ ├─43. Section 42 – Using Blueprint to Crea\ u 4 m | u s hte Interactable Doors
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 103 – Setting up Door BluePrint.mp4 104.14MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 104 – Creating7 ~ ? t C D f Interactable Door Blueprint Animation.mp4 99.38MB
│ │ ├─3. Lesson 105 – Setting up Door Blueprint With Specified Distance Activation.mZ _ u z 5 f t G Mp4 135.04Me k p * rB
│ │ ├─4. Lesson 106 – Creating BlueN = , | \ ; \prints for our Door.mp0 O M J K4 126.14MB
│ │ ├─5. Lesson 107 – Animating all our Modular Doors.mp4 191.25MB
│ │ └─6. Lesson 108 – Fixing the Door Collib z = BsionsO , { U `.mp4 253.81MB
│ ├─44. Section 43 – C= m S v d Z @utting Custom Holes witg O ( J Qhin Mesh
│ │ └─1. Lesso0 ; r c ` $ 8 %n 109 – Creating Manhole Floor Covers.mp4 283.07MB
│ ├─45. Section 44 – Setting up Water Material
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 110 – Setting up Water Mesh for Sewer.mp4 370.21MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 111 – Creating W5 y e @ U & o + Eater Material.mp4 111.a t 1 5 { e 844MB
│ │ ├─3. Lesson 112 – Creating Additional Com . c p ]ntrol for Water Material.mp4 106.12MB
│ │ ├─4. Lesson 113 – Setting up Water Flow M} 1 S ]aterial Animation.mp4 163.88MB
│ │ └─5. Lesson 114 – Setting up Water Material Parameters.mp4 217.62MB
│ ├─46. Section 45 – Creating Sewer WaterS h H G o e U B NFall
│ │ ├─1. Lesso+ P –n 115 – Creating Waterfall Using Mesh.mp4 29m f O 5 , c 1 @8.1; k + ! ? p , h %1MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 116 – Creating a Niagra P2 ~ Y Z 7 Darticles System for Water.mp4 212.67MB
│ │ └─3. Lesson 117 – Setting up Particle System as Wat% 2 A Rerfall.mp4 249.28MB
│ ├─47. Section 46 – Creating Sewer Splash Effect
│ │ ├─1. Lest v 6 kson 1$ u h v ^ J18 – Creating Base Splash2 . ; Y R B Particle.mp4 196.26MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 119 – Settin% k # k \ | h 2g up Waterfall Particle Curve Graph Parameters.mp4 170.58MB
│ │ ├─3. Lesson 120 – Setti* H f wng up Base Splash Particle.mp4 112.64MB
│ │ ├─4. Lesson 121 – Creating Animated Particle Spla| } l Lsh.mp4 152.79MB
│ │ └─5. Less^ R _ F O $ ~ Z yon 122 – Setting up Waterfall Splash.mp4 265.96MB
│ ├─48. Section 47 – Setting\ u ^ 3 6 m V T upJ D ) C Fire Fluid Simulation
│ │ ├─K @ b \ e n c U x1. Lesson 123 – Setting up Niagara Fire Fluid Simulation.mp4 174.08M@ s # ! EB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 124 – Cr} { F |eating Fire Simulation for Torches.mp4 184.51MB
│ │ ├─3. Lesson 125 – Baking out Fire Particle Animations.mp4 1s | I @ [ b74.86MB
│ │ └─g S } K G ; t d %4. Lesson 126 – Creating Animated Fire Particle Material.mp4 112.02Mj r n ~ P = |B
│ ├─49. Sec2 : \ _ ~ 1 i Ation 48 – Creating Fire Particles
│ │ ├─1. Less\ R =on 127 – Setting upf y I L Fire Particle Texture.mp4 131.82MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 128 – Creating Na + ` ] X 3 Jiagara Fire Particle System.mp4 209.16MB
│ │ └─3. Lesson 129 – Adding Ember Particles to our Fire System.mp4 217.1MB
│ ├─5. Section 4 – Basic Mesh Tools
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 7 – How to Create Edge Loops.m– p E ^ T 9 ) pp4 126.76MB
│ │ └─2. Lesson 8 – Creating Variation in Meshes# x Z & A s % $ m.mp4 105.x z ( O x57MB
│ ├─50. Section 49 – Creating UE5 Torch Blueprint
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 130 – Creating a Torch Blueprint.mp4 101.29d . ( UMB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 131 – Setting up Light Flicker Effect.mp4 127.64MB
│ │ └─3. LesQ R + q 0 J h . 4sj ~ Uon 132 – Setting up Torch Blueprint Variations.mp4 25M r ! 5 U = Y x7.69MB
│ ├─51. Sect/ { m } z \ ;ion 50 – Setting up Final Decorations for our 3D level
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 133 – Placing Light Source2 n w Q 3sE , S b N $ ( e Within our Dungeon.mp4 310.97MB
│ │ └─2. Lesson 134 – Placing Rock Asset Decorations.mp4 208.7MB
│ ├─52. Section 51 – Setting up Visuals
│ │ ├─1.5 @ M [ z i ; Lesson 135 – Setting up Li6 S 8 \ F M 7ghting for our UE5 Scene.mp4 293.0 L ^ V r #97MB
│ │ └─2. Lesson 136 – Color Grading Using Post Process Volume.mp4 286.45MB
│ ├─6. Section 5 – Working with Modifiers
│ │ └─1. Lesson 9 – Working with the Array Modifier.mp4 145.7MB
│ ├─7. Section 6 – Creating our First Modular Piece
│ │ ├R ) r M 2 b─1. Lesson 10 – CW A r _reating our First Dungeonk ! I Wall.mp4 165.36MB
│ │ ├─2. Lesson 1H K U1 – How Smoothing Works in Blender.mp4 101MB
│ │ ├─3. Lesson 12 – Techniques for Creating Geometry-.mp4 139.66MB
│ │ └─4. Lesson 13 – Taking UV Unwrapping to the Next Level.mp4 180.61MB
│ ├─8. Section 7 – Mid Level Geometry
│ │ ├─1. Lesson 14 – Creating ourj : ? , c v ~ h , La # J 2 6 ) G n Uarge Wall Modul8 L M I K [ar Pieces.mp4 125.49MB
│ │ └─2. Lesson 15 – Fixing Issues with Our Large Brick Walls.mp4 123.78MB
│ ├─9. Section 8 – Mo{ b Q * – % 8 r `difier Stacking
│ │ └─1. Lesson 16 – What is Modifier Stackino _ Z 3 x + 7g.mp4 104.96MB
│ └─素材
│ └─素材.rar 688.83MB
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