牛津自然拼读世界 Oxford Phonics World 外教课

牛津自然拼读世界 Oxford Phonics World 外教课课程介绍:

牛津自然拼读世界 Oxford Phonics World 外教课

视频资源大小:4.89 GB
类型:自然拼读, 外语学习,


01.【26节】: q ` ? 7 V 8自然拼读第1级-字母发音

The Alphabet| p n f m unit 1 Aa[3].mp4

Th$ ] c U we Alphabe! ! w n 1t unit 1 Bb[3].mp4

The Alphabet unit 1 Cc[3].mp4

The Alphabet unit 2 Dd[3].mp4

The Alphabet unit 2 Ee[3].mp4

The Alphabet unit 2_Ff[3].mp4

The Alphabet unit 3_Gg[3].{ A h @ 6 X = 9mp4

The Alphabet unit 3_Hh[3].mp4

The Alphabet unit 3_Ii[3].mp4= ` = !

Theo ^ Y y n J 0 c Alphy | 1abet unit 4_Jj[3].mp4

ThA m i P w Q ae Alphab; , P ] i A P j bet unit 4_Kk[3].mp4

The~ j / G T : A# M F M $ L _ E ylphabet unit 4_Ll[3].mp4

The Alph9 n j [ G m d Wabet unit 5_Mm[3].mp4

The A| ^ Llphabet unit 5_Nn[3].mp4

The An } c * } 7lphabet unit 5_Oo[3].mp4

The Alphabet unit 6_Pp[3].mp4

The Alphabet unit 6_Qq[3].mp4

The Alphabet unit 6f O ^ # & : 4 i ;_Rr[3].mp4

The Alphabet-Unit 8_Ww[3].mp4

The Alphabet-Unit 8_Xx[3].mp4

The Alphabet-\ m Z n G C E – ?Unit 8_Yy[3].mp4

The Alphabel # ? s v * C r +t-Unit 8_Zz[3].j + ( 4 C p + f *mp4

The Alpho 3 d U m . ) 4 sabet-Unit7_Ss[3].mp4

The Al[ ] A + o ? I |phabet-Unit7\ 7 X d 4 | U N_Tt[3].mp4

The Alphabet-Unit7_Uu[3].mp4– ? e U / z b

The Alphabet-Unit7_Vv[3].mp4


short vO g ^owels unit 1_am新~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 1_am新[3].mp4

short vowels unit 1_an新~1= v 0 n z h \ i[3].mp4

short vowels unit 1_an新[3].mp4

short vowels unit2 – S X 5 s o = 1_a新~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 1_a新[3].mp4

short vowels unit 2-ad ag~1[3].mp4} ` g $ v R

sD ; ! / 1 [ Whort vowels unit 2-ad ag[3].mp4

short vowels unit 2-ap~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 2-` k D k 6 w B !ap[3].mp4m & s

short vowels unit 2-at~@ / m : ! n B 91[3].mp4

short vowels unit 2-at[3].mp4

short vowels unit 3_en edvep~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 3_en edvep[3].mp4

short vowels unit 3_et~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 3_et[3].mp4

short vowels unit 3_e~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 3_e[3].mp4

short vowels unit 4_ib id~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 4_ib id[3].mp4

short vowels unit 4_ip~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 4_ip[3].mp4

short vowels unit 4_i~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 4_i[3].mp4

short v6 Q E / e H { {owels unit 5_ig~1[3].mp4

short vowelv 3 ; 0 ^ ]s unit 5_ig[3].mp4

short vh x @ 0 Q M Yowels unit 5G W H e C_in~1[3].mp4

short vowels u4 ] X P \ B D v ;nit 5_in[3].Z ! g wmp4

short vowN . Fels unit 5_it ix~1[3].mp4

sho7 b J y n L O Z Vrt vowels unit 5_it ix[3].mp4

short vowels unit 6_op~1[3].mp4

short vowels uni$ T p n } & rt 6_op[3].mp4

short vowels unit 6_ot~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 6_ot[3].mp4

short vowels unit 6_o~1[3].mp4

short/ ! 2 b f / = X . vowels unit 6_o[3].mp4

short vowels unit 7_u(1)~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 7_u(1)[3].mp4

short vowels unit 7_u} K , + P 8 \d up~1[3].mp4

shortC g 6 vowels unit 7_ud up[3].M r @mp4

short vowex 1 ! d @ls unit 7_ug~1[3].s @ ? L F n M Zmp4

short vowels unit 7_ug[3].mp4

short vowels unit 7_u~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 7_u[3].mp4

shoX i brt vowels unit 8_ub um~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 8_ub um[3].mp4

short vowels unit* 5 d = 8_un~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 8_un[3].W N @ T ~ : \mp; 2 G ~ a w4

short vowels unit 8_ut~1[3].mp4

short vowels unit 8_ut[3].mp4

03.【22节】自然拼读第9 s y @ @ C G 0 23级, ; x G-长元音

long vowels unit 1_ ame ake.mp4

long vowels unit 1_ ate ave.mp4

long vowels unit 1_ a_e.mp4

long vowels unit 2_ ime ike.mp4

long vowels unit 2_ ive in` k 1 v J $ W se.mp4

lon4 h G V H + d ( wg vowels unit 2_ i_e.mp4

long vowels unit 3_ o_e.mp4

long vowels unit 4_ ai.mp4

long vowels unit 4_ ay.mp4

long vowels unit 5_ ea.mp4

long vowels unit 5_ ee.mp4

long vowels unit 5_ y ey.mp4

long vowels unit 6_ ie.mp4

long vowels unit 6_ igh.mp4

long vowels unit 6_ y.mp4i 7 2 o t 7 ! G w

long vowels unit 7_ oa.mp4

long vowels unit 7_ ow.mp4

long vowels unit 8_ oo.mp4

long vowels unit 8_ ue.mp4

long vowels unit 8_ ui.mp4

long vowels unitw o 5 9 h B * @3 u_e 02.mp4

lonx E 6 l Yg vowels unit3 u_e 01.mp4

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